6, Bantale Adenuga Street,
Via Isawo Road, Agric Bus-stop,
After 2nd Mobil Fuel Station Off Dayo Oluyemi Street,
Ikorodu, Lagos State.
Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00 pm
Sat 10:00 - 14:00 pm.


Cheap housing through locally sourced materials.


  • Posted by: Bolyn
  • Category: Brick machines, Brick Strenght, Cement sabilized soil, General Construction, Manual brick presses, Stabilized bricks, Standard bricks, Structural performance





Laterite soil is a type of soil that can be found in most part of Nigeria. The soil can be used with or without the addition of Cement. When we decide to add Cement, the recommended ratio can be 1:20 or 1:25. This quantities of Cement when added to the soil will be enough to make durable and strong bricks with which individuals can build a living accommodation. Laterite soil, the major ingredient in the bricks is a common material that is cheap and easily found. Cement is available for purchase in all towns and cities of Nigeria.

SOURCING THE SOIL AND MAKING THE BRICKS.                                                                                                                                                                                       In the olden days, Laterite soil is usually dug from a section of the land upon which the builder desire to build the house. In this modern days, this materials is supplied from a nearby borough pit by the Tipper lorry at a price that is usually related to the distance between your building site and the source of the Laterite soil. The act of not digging our land ensure the stoppage to the degradation of the land. Laterite soil contain clay that assist in the bonding of the soil when adequate quantity of water is added and the soil is pressed in a brick machine to make bricks. The resultant bricks are sun dried in case of Laterite/Earth bricks only till fully dried. This bricks without Cement are occasionally turned  on their sides to ensure that they are properly dried before usage. In order to make Cement stabilized bricks, we needed to add and mix dryly the required quantity of Cement to the soil before wetting the resultant materials and later mix them wet properly together. The wetted mixture that is compressed in the brick press is later moved to a drying spot after ejection. The bricks with Cement is  air dried on the day of manufacture and stacked on themselves in a maximum of fives from the second day of production. These bricks are water cured for not less than 8eight days under a nylon cover[preferably black color] beginning from the second day of production. Both types of bricks are good to be used in the building of low income houses.

We expect that each builder have a good foundation for their house/s and because Laterite soil, the major materials for bricks making is found on the land, the followings are the reduction in cost that are possible viz-                                                                                                                                                       1]. Laterite soil is cheap to buy and can also be free to some builders if found on their site.

2]. Laterite soil only bricks are possible to be made and used after they have been completely sun dried.

3]. When it is desired to add Cement into your Laterite soil to make Cement stabilized bricks, the quantities of Cement to be added is very small compared with the conventional Sandcrete blocks. This result in price reduction of bricks that also result in the overall reduction of housing delivery.

4]. Laterite soil or Cement stabilized bricks are easy to make using a manually operated brick making machine which in itself is not expensive to acquire.

5]. Brick-making is a site based function and therefore removes multiple handling and cost of vehicular transportation of bricks from point of making them to the building site which is usually high on account of the heavy weight of this type of bricks.

6]. The brick making machine can be operated by un skilled labor whose wages are very low.

7]. Brick houses do not require plastering of the walls as a matter of compulsion as is the case with Sandcrete block walls.

8]. We may not need to paint the brick walls as they are naturally beautiful if good and bright color Laterite soil are sourced and used.

9]. A brick house offer a cool internal, thereby availing some saving on the cooling system.

10]. The Bolyn brick making machine is capable of been used to make variety of bricks e.g. Bricks for flooring, Lintel/Channel bricks for window and door openings and Coping bricks for fence wall protection. The multi purpose nature of our brick making machine assist users to use it to achieve some saving in the prices of some building components that would have been sourced from other suppliers.

11]. These bricks are load bearing such that they are capable of been used to carry roof loads etc. without the use of the Columns thereby eliminating reinforcement with Iron rods.

12]. The Lintel/Channel bricks when adopted eliminate the use of plenty wooden form work and much gravel, sand and cement that is the case in the conventional Window and Door Lintel making.

13]. The flooring bricks are adaptable to both internal and external uses, when used, there will be no need for German concreting of floors, the saving here is much.

The savings that are identified above do amount to a substantial savings in the walling and other cost in building of a house.

Author: Bolyn

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